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The 2018 SoCal Open

Jonathan Irvine flicks to the back of David Wharton in the Mixed Foil Round of 32 at the first annual SoCal Open.

The inaugural SoCal Open fencing tournament was held at the 12,000-square-foot Pacific Community Center in Glendale on Sunday, May 6, 2018. With 95 entries in 3 events, Mixed Foil and Mixed Epee both reached A2 status, while Women’s Epee was a C1. In all, 9 fencers earned new ratings, including Ilya Ayupov (UFA) who got his A! Thanks to all the volunteers who helped make this tournament happen, and to our referees who kept things running. See you at next year’s SoCal Open!

Some equipment and articles of clothing were left at the venue. To retrieve them, please contact Lost and Found.

Medalists are listed below. Full Results can be found here.

Mixed Foil Medalists

1Ilya AyupovSoCalUFAA2018
2Andrew ChungOCGolubitsky
3TAnthony ChanOCAnaheim HillsB2018
3TNicole PustilnikSan DiegoTeam Touche
5Kate YamaguchiSoCalUFA
6Alex PaekOCAnaheim Hills
7Michael KuzmakSoCal
8Brian KoSan DiegoTeam Touche

Women's Epee Medalists

1Lexiss MorganSoCalSwords
2Emily ZhouSoCalSwordsD2018
3TJacquie ParkerAlaskaD2018
3TAafreen QureshiSoCalFortune
5Amelia WuMt. ValleySwords
6Mickey ZhangSoCalSwordsE2018
7Allison ChanSan DiegoEncinitas
8Olga IvanovaSoCalSwordsE2018

Mixed Epee Medalists

1Emon DaroianSoCalLAIFCA2018
2Justin SmithMt. ValleyLAIFC / No Fear
3TTrevor ShepardSoCalSwordsB2018
3TAnacan MangelsdorfSoCalBHFC
5Ethan NguyenNevadaBB-FC
6Stafford MoosekianSoCalSwords
7Wilson ZhuSoCalLAIFC / Yang FC
8Eric HansenSoCalLAIFC

Mixed Foil Medalists (L to R): Brian Ko (8th, not pictured), Michael Kuzmak (7th), Alex Paek (6th), Kate Yamaguchi (5th), Nicole Pustilnik (tied for 3rd), Anthony Chan (tied for 3rd), Andrew Chung (2nd), and Ilya Ayupov (1st).

Women’s Epee Medalists (L to R): Lexiss Morgan (1st), Emily Zhou (2nd), Jacquie Parker (tied for 3rd, not pictured), Aafreen Qureshi (tied for 3rd), Amelia Wu (5th), Mickey Zhang (6th), Allison Chan (7th), and Olga Ivanova (8th).

Mixed Epee Medalists (L to R): Eric Hansen (8th), Wilson Zhu (7th), Stafford Moosekian (6th), Ethan Nguyen (5th, not pictured), Anacan Mangelsdorf (tied for 3rd), Trevor Shepard (tied for 3rd), Justin Smith (2nd), and Emon Daroian (1st).

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