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Southern California Division Meeting

There will be a meeting of the members of the Southern California Division July 14, 2018, 3:00 pm, at 132 S. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank. All USFA So. Cal. Division members are invited to participate. The purpose of the meeting is to elect officers and directors for the Division year 8/1/2018 to 7/31/2018, as follows:

The members of the Division met in February for the semi-annual meeting. At this meeting, the following members were nominated to serve as officers of the Division for the 2018-2019 fiscal year:

  • Chairperson — Tigran Shaginian*; Jamie Douraghy
  • Vice Chairperson — Phil Hareff*; Allex Grumman
  • Treasurer — James Beihold*; Mark Nixon
  • Secretary — Clare Deffense*

(Asterisk * indicates current office holder. In each case, members may vote for only one candidate per position.)

In addition, the following were nominated to serve on the Board of Directors (aka, Executive Committee) for the same period: Tim Robinson (Presidio), Vadim Ayupov (UFA), Sorah Shin (Allez), Nick Kovalev (WCFA), Az Mikayelyan (unattached), Karen Lieu (BHFC), Phil Hareff (Conejo), Tigran Shaginian (Swords), James Beihold (Swords), Clare Deffense (Swords), Jamie Douraghy (LAIFC), Allex Grumman (LAIFC), Mark Nixon (LAIFC), Richard Lee (unattached), and Eric Speicher (Conejo).

These nominations, and any additional, will be subject to the membership vote in July. The time for nominations for officers for the 2018-2019 has expired. However, additional nominations for Directors (also known as Executive Committee members) may be made from the floor, at the July meeting, or by written nomination submitted to the Division Secretary, Clare Deffense, at email address

To be eligible to vote at the July meeting, members must be at least 18 years old, and they must be physically present at the meeting. (Proxies and telephone voting are not allowed.)

We hope to see you at the July meeting, and we hope you will consider volunteering to join the Southern California Division leadership!


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