Comments on: Traveling for Tournaments​ USA Fencing Fri, 15 Jun 2018 22:59:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathryn Atwood Fri, 15 Jun 2018 22:59:27 +0000 In reply to Fencing Dad.

Missing school is always an issue. I review the NAC dates when they come out, and then at the very beginning of the school year, write up the days Staff will be missing, and email this to each and every teacher as well as the secondary director, with the caveat that I will know more specifically when the dates approach exactly when he will be out of school. I then give a heads up about three weeks ahead, and then one week ahead, and then the day before. We go to a private school and it is small. We are very fortunate that they are willing to work with him on his schedule. I also let them know his results, often even emailing or texting photos, as they get to participate a bit that way and feel included. And indeed they do participate because we could not successfully miss school and compete if they did not help out and support him. My next blog I think will be about the support team, which includes, teachers, coaches, friends, etc. As far as coaching fees, talk to your coach. Talk to other parents in your club. Every club is different. This blog is not really about the expense of fencing competitively, mostly because I am still in denial myself.

By: Fencing Dad Fri, 15 Jun 2018 22:48:37 +0000 Great article! The biggest concern/stress for us is missing school days — we haven’t missed school days yet, but I guess it will be a balancing act that is another similuated life-experience: you want to go to all the important tournaments, but picking-choosing seems to be necessary. Another question that comes up with parents who travel for the first time is cost/expense for coaching— it appears that each club & coach has differing plans/option/requirements (including which particular coach and how much strip coaching is actually received), so parents should confirm how that works (splits with other fencers), since it could be a significant portion of the total bill.
