Summer Nationals – SoCal Division USA Fencing Tue, 12 Jul 2022 06:13:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Summer Nationals – SoCal Division 32 32 2022 Summer Nationals Results Tue, 12 Jul 2022 04:22:26 +0000
Christopher Davoodian lands the final touch to win Y-12 Men’s Epee gold at the 2022 Summer Nationals in Minneapolis. Photo: USA Fencing

The results are in and SoCal fencers will be returning from this year’s Summer Nationals in Minneapolis, Minnesota with 32 medals! Six of them gold!! Congratulations to all our medalists, especially our first-place finishers: Christopher Davoodian, Janna Freedman, Regina Lee, Chloe Sun, Tino Tani and Xuanyi Zhang.

SoCal Medalists are listed below. Full results can be found here.

SoCal Medalists - Men

Div I-A Men's Saber6Oliver BergerLAIFC, SCFA
Junior Men's Foil8Brandon KimLAIFC
Cadet Men's Epee3TNicholas JinFortune
Y-14 Men's Epee6Kyran LinFortune
Y-12 Men's Epee1Christopher DavoodianSwords
Y-12 Men's Epee6Zhengyang ChenSwords
Y-12 Men's Saber6Jeein JooSBFA
Y-10 Men's Foil5Mason BielerElite FC, UFA
Y-10 Men's Saber1Tino TaniSCFA, WCFA
Y-10 Men's Saber3THoward LiLAFA of Pomona
Y-10 Men's Saber5Phillip YangSBFA
Vet-40 Men's Saber3TDerek PlonkaAGFC
Vet-50 Men's Foil2Oliver FoellmerLAIFC
Vet-50 Men's Foil5Ken ChiltonLAIFC
Vet-50 Men's Epee7Elsayed EmaraFortune, PFA
Vet-60 Men's Foil3TJerry LeBlancElite FC, LAIFC
Vet-60 Men's Epee3TDavid JensenFortune
Vet-70 Men's Foil2Marek Piatkowski-NazarroElite FC
Vet-70 Men's Foil6Paul KazimiroffBHFC
Vet-70 Men's Epee3TDaryl TaylorFortune

SoCal Medalists - Women

Div I Women's Epee2Kasia NixonPWF, FC
Div II Women's Foil3TKonnie DuanElite FC
Div III Women's Epee2Olivia LeeSwords
Junior Women's Foil8Rowan ParkNU, LAIFC
Cadet Women's Saber1Janna FreedmanSBFA
Cadet Women's Saber3TKira EriksonSBFA
Y-14 Women's Saber5Charmaine AndresSCFA
Y-14 Women's Saber6Olympia ChristothoulouLaguna FC, LAIFC
Y-12 Women's Epee1Regina LeeSwords
Y-12 Women's Saber1Xuanyi ZhangLAFA of Pomona
Y-12 Women's Saber8Jolene ChanSBFA
Y-10 Women's Foil1Chloe SunOCFC
Vet-40 Women's Epee5Michele ChimientiNo Fear, Fortune
Vet-60 Women's Saber3TLydia FabrySBFA

Y-12 Men’s Epee Semi-Final – Christopher Davoodian (SoCal) v A.J. Trull (New England)
Y-12 Men’s Epee Final – Christopher Davoodian (SoCal) v David Dodin (Metro NYC)
Y-10 Men’s Saber Semi-Final – Howard Li (SoCal) v Tino Tani (SoCal)
Y-10 Men’s Saber Final – Victor Liu (Georgia) v Tino Tani (SoCal)
Div III Women’s Epee Semi-Final – Olivia Lee (SoCal) v Kaitlyn Lee (CenCal)
Div III Women’s Epee Final – Grace Hicks (Westchester-Rockland) v Olivia Lee (SoCal)
Y-12 Women’s Epee Semi-Final – Chloe Tolsma (Gulf Coast) v Regina Lee (SoCal)
Y-12 Women’s Epee Final – Alexandra Smuk (New England) v Regina Lee (SoCal)
Y-12 Women’s Saber Semi-Final – Xuanyi Zhang (SoCal) v Sahana Gautam (CenCal)
Y-12 Women’s Saber Final – Xuanyi Zhang (SoCal) v Isabel Schmidt (NorCal)
Y-10 Women’s Foil Semi-Final – Chloe Sun (SoCal) v Enjia Sherry Liu (National)
Y-10 Women’s Foil Final – Aphrodite Tsimiklis (Long Island) v Chloe Sun (SoCal)

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Sixty-five Fencers Qualify For the 2021 Junior Olympics and Summer Nationals Tue, 18 May 2021 00:30:20 +0000
Lucas Chen (WCFC) takes on Santiago Arroyo (AGFC) under blue skies in the Cadet Men’s Saber event at the 2021 Junior Olympic/Summer National Qualifier in Calabasas, California on May 15.

Ninety fencers from across Southern California made their way to the tennis courts at Calabasas High School on Saturday for this year’s combined Junior Olympic and Summer National Qualifier Tournament. Sixty-five fencers qualified for Junior, Cadet, Division II and Division III events at the Junior Olympics and Summer Nationals to be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from July 3-12, 2021. In addition, 13 fencers earned new ratings.

Congratulations to all our qualified fencers and good luck in Philadelphia!

Qualified fencers are listed below. Full results can be found, here.

Qualified Fencers (updated 5/25/2021)

NameClub(s)Qualified For
AHN GusBeverly Hills Fencers' Club / Le Lycee Francais de LAU17ME DV2ME
BAUER HankLA International Fencing / Episcopal School of Los AngelesDV2MS DV3MS
BAXTER DavidAce Fencing AcademyDV3ME VETME
BONIFIELD ArthurAvant Garde Fencers ClubU17MS
BRISTOL BrijenAvant Garde Fencers Club / Campbell Hall High SchoolU17MS
BRUSKOTTER ReilandLA International FencingU17ME, DV3ME
CHI AlexanderUnited Fencing AcademyU17MF U20MF
CHO MichelleSouth Bay Fencing AcademyU17WS DV3WS
CROSSMAN BrandonLA International FencingDV3ME
DANIELYANTS GabrielaLA International FencingU17WF
DUAN KonnieHarvard Westlake / United Fencing AcademyU20WF U17WF
ECKSTEIN HarrietPresidio Fencing ClubDV2WF DV3WF VETWF
ERIKSON KiraSouth Bay Fencing AcademyDV2WS DV3WS
FRANEK LisaLA International FencingDV3WE VETWE
GAURIAT JadeLA International FencingDV2WE DV3WE
GAURIAT Oliver S.LA International FencingVETME
GIANETTO EthanSouth Bay Fencing AcademyU17MS
GODZHIK ZacharyUnited Fencing AcademyU17MF
GOLOVITSER MayaSouth Bay Fencing AcademyDV3WS
GRAYSON ShaneunattachedU17ME U20ME
HARRIS RhonenElite Fencing ClubDV3MF
HASNAH HenrySouth Bay Fencing Academy / Bishop-Montgomery HSDV2MS
HODESS EthanElite Fencing ClubU20MF
IIZUKA SawakoAvant Garde Fencers ClubDV3WS VETWS
KIM ElyssaSouth Bay Fencing AcademyU17WS
KIM SterlingLA International FencingU20ME
KOLL-BRAVMANN Ryder S.Avant Garde Fencers ClubU20WS U17WS DV2WS DV3WS
KORINTH SteveSouth Bay Fencing AcademyVETMS
KROON LucasSouth Bay Fencing AcademyDV3MS
LEE, MatthewBeverly Hills Fencers' ClubU20ME
LI JoshuaSouthern California Fencing Academy (SOCALFA) / Maranatha Hligh SchoolDV2MS
LICHT AaronLA International FencingU20MS U17MS DV3MS
LIRA DaineAvant Garde Fencers Club / Santa Monica HSU17MS
LOCASALE NicholasLA International FencingVETME
MIYASAKI-CASTRO MasanobuSouth Bay Fencing AcademyU20MS U17MS
MOHEBI NeekaAce Fencing AcademyDV3WE U17WE
MOHEBI SaamAce Fencing AcademyDV2ME
MOHEBI SueAce Fencing AcademyDV2WE DV3WE VETWE
MORENO FrancescaElite Fencing ClubU20WF U17WF
MUSHER BenjaminLA International FencingDV2MF DV3MF
NAM CassieunattachedDV2WF DV3WF
NGUYEN TallulahSwords Fencing StudioU20WE U17WE
OLSHANSKY ElioraUnited Fencing AcademyU17WF
PADOS AnnaAvant Garde Fencers ClubU17WS
PATEL RiyaSouth Bay Fencing AcademyU20WS U17WS
PIESNER ZacharyLA International Fencing CenterDV3MF
PRIETO SofiaUnited Fencing Academy / Foothill Tech HSDV2WF
PRIMES AmandaLA International FencingDV2WE
REED SamuelSouth Bay Fencing Academy / Loyola High SchoolU20MS U17MS
RHEE EthanAvant Garde Fencers ClubU20MS U17MS
RICHARDSON TroyAvant Garde Fencers ClubVETMS
SCHULZE-KALT GraydonElite Fencing Club / Harvard WestlakeDV2MF DV3MF
SHA, MichaelSwords Fencing StudioU17ME
SOOHOO ClaireBeverly Hills Fencers' Club / Avant Garde Fencers ClubU20WE U17WE
SOOHOO, JacksonBeverly Hills Fencers' ClubU20ME U17ME
VAZQUEZ ZanderLA International Fencing / Presidio Fencing ClubU17MF U20MF DV2MF DV3MF
WALL SophiaUnited Fencing Academy / ChaminadeU20WF U17WF
WALLACE TaylorSouth Bay Fencing Academy / Rolling Hills Preparatory SchoolDV3MS
WANG DevonLA International FencingU20ME U17ME DV2ME DV3ME
WHARTON DavidUnited Fencing AcademyDV3MF VETMF
YANG LeaSouth Bay Fencing AcademyU20WS U17WS DV2WS DV3WS
YANICELLI SloaneLA International FencingU17WF
YOO JoshuaLA International FencingU17MS U20MS DV2MS DV3MS
ZHOU StanleyLA International Fencing / No Fear FencingDV2ME
Fun in the sun. Cadet Men’s Epee.
Zander Vazquez (LAIFC) and Graydon Schulze-Kalt (Elite) fight it out in Division II Men’s Foil.
More Division II Men’s Foil action. Zachary Piesner (LAIFC) versus Benjamin Musher (LAIFC).
Aidan Chan (Laguna) versus Arthur Bonifield (AGFC) in the Cadet Men’s Saber event.
Fencing continued as smoke billowed from the Pacific Palisades fire, about 5 miles away. Just another day in California.
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50 Fencers Qualify For the Summer Nationals at SoCal’s 2020 SNQ Mon, 09 Mar 2020 06:08:03 +0000
Jiah Uhm and Belinda He take center stage at the 2020 Summer Nationals Qualifier at Pasadena City College on March 8, 2020.

Pasadena City College’s spacious Hutto-Patterson Gymnasium was the venue for this year’s Summer Nationals Qualifier where seventy-seven fencers vied for coveted spots in the Div. 2, Div. 3, and Y14 events at the Summer Nationals. In addition, five fencers earned new ratings. Congratulations to all our qualified fencers and good luck in Louisville!

Qualified fencers are listed below. Full results can be found, here.

Qualified Fencers

AHN GusBeverly Hills Fencers' Club / Le Lycee Francais de LADV2ME
ARROYO SantiagoAvant Garde Fencers ClubY14MS
AUCHTERLONIE SevenBeverly Hills Fencers' Club / VistamarDV2WE DV3WE
AYUPOV VadimUnited Fencing AcademyDV2MF VETMF
AYUPOVA AMELIYAUnited Fencing AcademyY14WF
BAUER Hank E.La International Fencing / EslaDV2MS DV3MS
BRENNAN TyBeverly Hills Fencers' ClubY14MF
BRUSKOTTER ReilandLa International FencingDV3ME
CHAN AidanWest Coast Fencing AcademyDV3MS
CRAFT MarshallAllez Fencing StudioDV3ME
DALVA MichaelUnited Fencing AcademyY14ME
DINSAY KristjanElite Fencing Club / Chaminade Middle schoolY14MF
ECKSTEIN Harriet A.Presidio Fencing ClubDV2WF DV3WF VETWF
FRANKEL Yitzchok A.La International Fencing / Tim Morehouse Fencing ClubDV2MS DV3MS
GAURIAT Jade S.La International Fencing / Le Lycee Francais de LADV2WE DV3WE
GAURIAT OlivierLos Angeles International Fencing CenterDV2ME DV3ME VETME
GIRI NainaAvant Garde Fencers Club / Archer School For GirlsY14WS
GUPTA-GARCIA RajLa International FencingDV3ME
HARRIS RhonenElite Fencing ClubDV3MF
JORDON Kaleb W.United Fencing AcademyDV2MF DV3MF
KIM Sterling S.Beverly Hills Fencers' Club / Harvard-westlake WolverinesDV2ME DV3ME
KIM SullivanBeverly Hills Fencers' Club / (none)Y14ME
KORINTH Alexander J.South Bay Fencing Academy / LA International FencingDV2MS DV3MS
KORINTH SteveSouth Bay Fencing AcademyVETMS
KROON LucasSouth Bay Fencing AcademyY14MS
LEE KadenPoints West Fencing CenterY14MF
LEE OliviaAllez Fencing StudioY14WE
LEE Richard U.Beverly Hills Fencers' ClubVETME
LI Ryan Z.Precision Athletics Fencing Club / VistamarDV2MF
LIKER Maxim J.Avant Garde Fencers Club / Beverly Hills High SchoolDV3MS
LOCKE SavannahUnited Fencing AcademyDV2WF
MIYASAKI-CASTRO MasanobuSouth Bay Fencing AcademyY14MS
MOHEBI NeekaAce Fencing AcademyY14WE
MOHEBI SueAce Fencing AcademyDV3WE VETWE
MONE KylieLa International FencingDV2WE DV3WE
NA LarryUnited Fencing Academy / ChaminadeDV3MF
OLSHANSKY Eliora S.United Fencing AcademyY14WF
PARKER Jacquie D.Allez Fencing StudioDV3WE VETWE
PATEL RiyaSouth Bay Fencing AcademyDV2WS DV3WS
PLONKA Kaley V.South Bay Fencing AcademyDV2WS DV3WS
REED Samuel J.South Bay Fencing Academy / Loyola High SchoolDV3MS
SCHROEDER DylanBeverly Hills Fencing ClubY14ME
SHANNON SaraSouth Bay Fencing AcademyY14WS DV2WS DV3WS
SPEICHER Brian E.Ace Fencing Academy / Conejo Fencing ClubDV2ME
TOLBERT-SCHWARTZ CayleyBeverly Hills Fencers' Club / Harvard Westlake Middle SchoolY14WE
TOLBERT-SCHWARTZ EverettHarvard WestlakeDV3ME
TREACY FionaAvant Garde Fencers ClubY14WS
VOLK Martin L.Ace Fencing AcademyDV2ME DV3ME
WALL SophiaUnited Fencing AcademyY14WF
WHARTON DavidUnited Fencing AcademyDV3MF VETMF
Jiah Uhm (left) and Belinda He (both BHFC) face off in the Y14 Women’s Foil Table of 8.
Fencers from the Southern California Scholastic Fencing League, which shared the venue with the SoCal Division, bond between bouts.
Marshall Craft (Allez) and Brandon Crossman (LAIFC) exchange blows in Div. 2/3 Men’s Epee.
Y14 Men’s Epee: Demetrious Villaloboskowalski (LAIFC) and Sullivan Kim (BHFC) finish their bout with the new handshake.
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SoCal Soars with 29 Medals at 2019 Summer Nationals Mon, 08 Jul 2019 05:41:38 +0000
Div I Men’s Epee Medalists. Justin Yoo (top left) and Stephen Ewart (top right). Photo: Kathryn Atwood.

From June 28th to July 7th, 2019, many of the nation’s strongest competitors packed their fencing bags and headed off to Columbus, Ohio to compete in the annual National Championships and July Challenge. The Championship events included: Division II, Division III, Division IA, Veteran Age, Y14, Y12 and Y10. The July Challenge events were: Division I, Junior, Cadet, Senior Team and Vet Team.

Overall, SoCal ended the 2018-2019 season strong, finishing with 10 medals on the women’s side and 19 medals on the men’s side. The two SoCal golds of the tournaments were won by Lydia Fabry with her 1st place in Vet-60 Women’s Saber, and LAIFC epeeist Hugh Milam, who won Division IA.

Enjoy your summer, and we’ll see you back for the 2019-2020 season!

SoCal Medalists are listed below. For full results, see here.

SoCal Medalists - Women

Junior Women's Epee7Karolina NixonLAIFC/Columbia
Div I-A Women's Epee3Shaya ShamsianLAIFC
Junior Women's Saber3Mikaela AvianWCFA
Junior Women's Foil7Karina YaroshenkoLAIFC
Vet-70 Women's Epee5Patricia BedrosianCouturier
Vet-40 Women's Epee3Michele ChimientiNo Fear/Swords
Vet-70 Women's Foil3Patricia BedrosianCouturier
Vet-60 Women's Saber1Lydia FabryWCFA
Y-14 Women's Saber7Janna FreedmanD'Asaro
Div III Women's Saber2Katherine AndresD'AsaroC19

SoCal Medalists - Men

Div I Men's Epee2Stephen EwartSwords/Notre Dame
Div I Men's Epee3Justin YooLAIFC
Junior Men's Foil8Eric YuLAIFCA19
Div I Men's Saber3Daniel KwakAGFCA19
Junior Men's Epee3Emon DaroianLAIFC
Div I-A Men's Epee1Hugh MilamLAIFC
Cadet Men's Saber8Alexander JeffordsLAIFC
Y-14 Men's Saber2Matthew LimbAGFC
Y-14 Men's Saber7Andrew KimWCFAC19
Vet-50 Men's Epee3Carl LoefflerLAIFC
Cadet Men's Epee2Stafford MoosekianSwords
Vet-50 Men's Foil3Oliver FoellmerLAIFCB19
Vet-70 Men's Foil3Paul KazimiroffBHFCE19
Cadet Men's Foil2Eric YuLAIFCA19
Cadet Men's Foil3Ilya AyupovUFAA19
Div II Men's Saber2Benjamin KimAGFCB19
Y-12 Men's Epee2Nicholas JinFortune
Y-12 Men's Epee6Kyran LinFortune
Y-12 Men's Foil3Ernest YakushkinLAIFCC19

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2018 Summer Nationals Wed, 11 Jul 2018 06:45:29 +0000

Two SoCal fencers made the top 8 in the Junior Men’s Epee event at the 2018 Summer Nationals: Stephen Ewart (top row, 2nd from right) won the gold, and Stafford Moosekian (bottom row, far right) finished 8th (out of 324 competitors).

SoCal fencers returned from this year’s Summer Nationals in St. Louis (June 28–July 7, 2018) having won 30 medals in the individual events, including 2 golds: Alexander Jeffords (Div III Men’s Saber), and Stephen Ewart (Junior Men’s Epee). This marks the fourth gold medal that Stephen has won in National events this season. A remarkable achievement!

The SoCal Division would like to offer a special recognition to Men’s Epee fencer Stafford Moosekian, who medaled in Junior Men’s Epee, Cadet Men’s Epee, and Y14 Men’s Epee, earning his ‘A18’ a total of three times!

In addition, LAIFC fencers had a terrific showing in the team events, constituting 2-1/2 of the teams that achieved top-3 finishes.

SoCal Medalist are listed below. Full results can be found, here.

SoCal Medalists - Women

Div I Women’s Foil7Madison ZeissEscrime Du Lac / LAIFC
Div I Women’s Epee2Kasia NixonPrinceton / LAIFC
Div I Women’s Epee7Karolina NixonLAIFC
Div I-A Women’s Epee3Shaya ShamsianLAIFC
Junior Women’s Epee7Catherine BeddingfieldLAIFC
Vet-40 Women’s Epee7Michele ChimientiNo Fear / Swords
Y-10 Women’s Epee3Zoe KimAllez / Swords
Div III Women’s Saber8Riya PatelD'Asaro
Cadet Women’s Saber5Mikaela AvakianWCFA
Y-10 Women’s Saber5Charmaine AndresD'Asaro
Vet-70 Women’s Saber3Anna Mannino

SoCal Medalists - Men

Cadet Men’s Foil2Louie BryceLAIFC
Vet-50 Men’s Foil3Oliver FoellmerLAIFC
Vet-70 Men’s Foil2Duane ChanConejo
Div I Men’s Epee2Justin YooLAIFC / UPenn
Div I Men’s Epee3Adrien Thein-SandlerLAIFC
Div II Men’s Epee3Daniel ComerFortune
Junior Men’s Epee1Stephen EwartSwords / Notre Dame
Junior Men’s Epee8Stafford MoosekianSwords
Cadet Men’s Epee5Stafford MoosekianSwords
Cadet Men’s Epee6Wilson ZhuLAIFC / Yang Fencing
Vet-50 Men’s Epee3David JensenLAIFC / Fortune
Vet-60 Men’s Epee3Daryl TaylorFortune
Vet-60 Men’s Epee5Jim BeiholdSwords
Y-14 Men’s Epee2Stafford MoosekianSwords
Y-10 Men’s Epee5Sebastien NoelBHFC
Y-10 Men’s Epee6Kyran LinFortune
Div III Men’s Saber1Alexander JeffordsLAIFC
Y-12 Men’s Saber5Andrew KimWCFA
Vet-70 Men’s Saber6Lucas DobrzanskiKAFF

SoCal Teams

Vet Team Men’s Foil3The Fat DragonsDouraghy, Kaihatsu, Foellmer, Cho
Senior Team Women’s Epee2LAIFC 1Beddingfield, Beddingfield, Nixon, Nixon
Vet Team Men’s Epee3LAIFCHansen, Jensen, Loeffler, Nixon

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2018 Summer Nationals Qualifier Results Mon, 26 Feb 2018 04:45:30 +0000

Rachel Lee (AGFC, left) blocks out Sarah Innes-Gold (UCSB) in Div II Women’s Saber.

Fifty-three SoCal fencers qualified for the 2018 Summer Nationals in the qualification tournament held at Hoover High School in Glendale on Saturday, Feb. 24. The Summer Nationals, which will crown champions in Div 1A, Div II, Div III, Y10, Y12 Y14, and Veteran events, will be held in St. Louis, MO from June 28 to July 7, 2018. For more information, see here.

Congratulations to all our qualified fencers and good luck in St. Louis!

Qualified fencers are listed below. For full results, see here.

Qualified Fencers - Men

Div II Men's Foil1Zachary WhartonUFADV2MF DV3MF
Div II Men's Foil2Justin HoUFADV2MF DV3MF
Div II Men's Foil3Ethan HodessLAIFCDV2MF DV3MF
Div II Men's Foil4Case AvronLAIFCDV3MF
Div II Men's Foil5Julian AmicoUFADV3MF
Div II Men's Foil6Ilyas MolinaUFADV3MF
Div II Men's Foil11Duane ChanConejoVETMF
Div II Men's Epee1Thomas MooreSwordsDV2ME DV3ME
Div II Men's Epee2Jackson NorbutasSwordsDV2ME
Div II Men's Epee3Neekon KoohparehSwordsDV2ME DV3ME
Div II Men's Epee4Saam MohebiSwordsDV3ME
Div II Men's Epee5Juan Manuel VeloSwordsDV3ME
Div II Men's Epee6Alec ZhouLAIFCDV3ME
Div II Men's Epee10Olivier GauriatBHFCVETME
Div II Men's Saber1Sean ChuAGFCDV2MS DV3MS
Div II Men's Saber2Matthew LimbAGFCDV2MS DV3MS
Div II Men's Saber3Benjamin KimAGFCDV2MS DV3MS
Div II Men's Saber4Joshua LiWCFADV3MS
Div II Men's Saber5Troy RichardsonAGFCDV3MS VETMS
Div II Men's Saber6Trevor TrinhAGFCDV3MS
Y-14 Men's Foil1Adam SelivanovUFAY14MF
Y-14 Men's Foil2Carson SchinningSWLAY14MF
Y-14 Men's Foil3Zander VazquezUFAY14MF
Y-14 Men's Epee1Holden FeesBHFCY14ME
Y-14 Men's Epee2Sterling KimBHFCY14ME
Y-14 Men's Epee3Christopher DekermanjiSwordsY14ME
Y-14 Men's Saber1George Philipe GheneaAGFCY14MS
Y-14 Men's Saber2Hank BauerLAIFCY14MS
Y-14 Men's Saber3Joshua YooLAIFCY14MS

Qualified Fencers - Women

Div II Women's Foil1Samantha YehLAIFCDV2WF
Div II Women's Foil2Blanche YangLAIFCDV2WF DV3WF
Div II Women's Foil3Lena FoellmerLAIFCDV2WF DV3WF
Div II Women's Foil4Madalyn MacarrWCFADV3WF
Div II Women's Foil5Audrey YoungUFADV3WF
Div II Women's Foil6Harriet EcksteinPresidioDV3WF VETWF
Div II Women's Epee1Emily ZhouSwordsDV2WE DV3WE
Div II Women's Epee2Gabrielle YacobiBHFCDV2WE DV3WE
Div II Women's Epee3Alice OganesianSwordsDV2WE DV3WE
Div II Women's Epee4Sue MohebiSwordsDV3WE VETWE
Div II Women's Epee5Josephine LieberLAIFCDV3WE
Div II Women's Epee6Marie VoskanyanSwordsDV3WE
Div II Women's Epee7Irene TongFortuneVETWE
Div II Women's Epee8Olga IvanovaSwordsVETWE
Div II Women's Saber1Madalyn MacarrWCFADV2WS
Div II Women's Saber2Emily YeeD'AsaroDV2WS DV3WS
Div II Women's Saber3Sarah Innes-GoldUCSBDV2WS DV3WS
Div II Women's Saber4Carolina GeyerKAFFDV3WS
Div II Women's Saber5Rachel LeeAGFCDV3WS
Div II Women's Saber6Sawako IizukaAGFCDV3WS VETWS
Y-14 Women's Foil1Phoenix AbeSWLAY14WF
Y-14 Women's Foil2Audrey YoungUFAY14WF
Y-14 Women's Foil3Zoe BrownePoints WestY14WF
Y-14 Women's Epee1Jade GauriatBHFCY14WE
Y-14 Women's Epee2Marie VoskanyanSwordsY14WE
Y-14 Women's Epee3Mickey ZhangSwordsY14WE
Y-14 Women's SaberDNFAisling TreacyAGFCY14WS

Y14 Men’s Epee: Chester Thompson (Allez, right) lands one on Holden Fees (BHFC).

Edward Lee (Swords) takes on Stanley Zhou (LAIFC) in Y14 Men’s Epee.

Div II Women’s Saber: Carolina Geyer (KAFF, left) scores on the wrist of Rachel Lee (AGFC) in the table of 8.

Div II Men’s Foil: Case Avron (LAIFC, right) has his blade go all wobbly as he scores a touch against Ilyas Molina (UFA) in the round of 8.

Div II Men’s Foil: Joshua Piesner (UFA) scores against Lucas Nichols (Presidio) in the round of 16.

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1. Looking Back Down the Road, and Looking Forward Tue, 28 Nov 2017 05:37:57 +0000

USA Cadet Men’s Epee Team in Klagenfurt, Austria, October 2017.

Five years ago, my son competed in his first tournament. After eight months of fencing classes and constantly saying he was not interested in competing, my son unexpectedly announced at the end of a class that he thought he might like to try entering a tournament after all. It turned out there was a regional tournament the very next weekend. I had no idea what a regional tournament was. His coach said we should sign up on the US Fencing website, go to the tournament, and however he did, as long as he competed, he would qualify for Summer Nationals. Summer Nationals? I had no idea what that meant. But the coach seemed to think it was a good thing for him to do, so okay.

I signed him up for a competitive membership at US Fencing, and we went to the tournament that weekend. It was a disaster on so many levels. Though we did find a great parking spot, right in front. I found out later finding parking was almost as competitive as the fencing itself. Who knew?

The tournament at LAIFC (Los Angeles International Fencing Center) was an RYC (Regional Youth Circuit). There were a number of different events going on, so though there were only 14 fencers in my son’s Y10 (Youth ages 10 and under) event, the place was crowded with fencers, parents, coaches. It was overwhelming. And we had no idea what to do, where to go, etc. Luckily, a very nice mother at the desk, Ellen, who I still see all the time at tournaments, introduced herself and gave a quick rundown of what we needed to know. How the tournament worked, pools, DE’s (Direct Eliminations), and that we needed two body cords for example. The basics.

My son lost all but one pool bout, and that one he won by one touch (point). He lost his first DE. As fast as it had started, it was over. My son, still wearing his mask, shook hands with the opponent and with the referee. Then he picked up his bag and carried everything straight out to our car in that prime spot. He put his gear in the trunk, got in the back seat. We rode home in silence, with the exception of very quiet crying coming from the back seat, muffled slightly by the mask he was still wearing. “Oh, well,” I thought. “At least he tried.”

Two weeks later, much to my surprise, he wanted to try again. Luckily there was another tournament coming up that weekend. This time is was just a little local tournament. Much less intimidating. That afternoon, again, I drove back with a boy wearing a fencing mask crying in the back seat. But this time, about half way home, I heard this tearful little voice say, “So, when is the next tournament?” And we were in.

He came in last in the next tournament as well. But he took his mask off on the way home. We were making progress.

Summer Nationals took place in Anaheim that year. We went because we didn’t have to travel on a plane, so it would not be too expensive. Why not go? It would be a good experience. We drove down the day before his Y10 event. As we pulled in to the hotel, it was a sea of fencing bags. Every single person, young and old, was pulling a fencing bag behind them. My son sat in the back seat, looking out the window in horror. “I can’t do this.” I knew exactly how he was feeling. It was an intimidating sight. “Tell you what,” I said. “I’ve already paid for the room. Let’s just check in. The convention center is attached to the hotel. We can just walk over and find your coach, and look around and see what it is like. And if you don’t want to fence, that’s fine. You don’t have to. No pressure.” He ended up placing 41 out of 60. More important, though, he fenced. He was 9. And he has never looked back. That was in 2012.

What is amazing to me, and what I certainly didn’t know at the time, was that a lot of those fencers are still competing. These boys have grown up together. They see each other at tournaments across the country. They follow each other on snap chat and Instagram. They text each other. My son has friends from across the country, from New York and Texas.

He will go to his first international competition, a World Cup in Austria in four weeks. He, we, have come a long way. We have learned a lot.

I am starting this blog to help other parents, new to fencing, understand how wonderful this sport is, how it works, and how to support their child through success and failure. I will cover basics, from the first competition to how to cope with injuries. I would love feedback, welcome follow up questions, topic suggestions, and any stock tips you care to share!

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2017 Summer Nationals Results Thu, 20 Jul 2017 09:15:14 +0000

Div I Men’s Foil: Nick Itkin (left, LAIFC) sends Michael Li (M Team, NorCal) flying as Coach Itkin looks on.

The SoCal Division was represented strongly in Salt Lake City and we came away with medals galore. All of our top 8 finishers and their clubs are listed below. Full results can be found here.

Congratulations to all the fencers, their coaches, their clubs, and their parents!

SoCal Medalists

Div I Men's Foil1stNick ItkinLAIFC
Div I-A Men's Foil5thEric YuLAIFCA17
Div I-A Men's Foil8thBryce LouieLAIFCA17
Div I-A Women's Foil8thKate YamaguchiUFA
Div III Women's Foil3rdZoe KalamarosPrecisionC17
Y-14 Men's Foil2ndBryce LouieLAIFCA17
Y-14 Women's Foil3rdKarina YaroshenkoLAIFC
Cadet Men's Foil3rdBryce LouieLAIFCA17
Vet-50 Men's Foil6thJamie DouraghyLAIFC
Vet-70 Men's Foil3rdDuane ChanConejo
Vet-70 Women's Foil1stPatricia BedrosianCouturier
Senior Team Men’s Foil3rdAyad, Itkin, Yu, ZapozdaevLAIFC
Div I Men's Epee2ndStephen EwartSwords
Div I Men's Epee5thJake RaynisLAIFCA17
Div I Men's Epee8thJustin YooLAIFCA17
Div I Women's Epee3rdKasia NixonLAIFC
Div I-A Men's Epee3rdBenjamin YehFortune
Div II Women's Epee8thAretha GaoLAIFC
Div III Women's Epee8thSophie BrillLAIFC
Y-10 Men's Epee2ndNicholas JinFortune
Y-10 Men's Epee3rdChristopher DekermanjiSwords
Y-10 Women's Epee8thZoe KimSwords
Y-12 Men's Epee5thRyan LinFortune
Y-14 Women's Epee2ndIrene YeuSwords
Cadet Women's Epee3rdClaire BeddingfieldLAIFC
Junior Men's Epee8thZach KravitzLAIFC
Junior Women's Epee3rdClaire BeddingfieldLAIFC
Junior Women's Epee7thKarolina NixonLAIFC
Vet-40 Women's Epee6thSue MohebiSwordsD17
Vet-50 Men's Epee5thDavid JensenLAIFC / Fortune
Vet-50 Men's Epee7thMark NixonLAIFC
Vet-60 Men's Epee2ndDaryl TaylorFortune
Vet-60 Men's Epee8thJim BeiholdSwords
Vet-60 Women's Epee3rdMary HuangSwords
Vet-70 Women's Epee3rdPatricia BedrosianCouturier
Div I-A Women's Saber3rdMikaela AvakianAGFC
Y-10 Women's Saber2ndJanna FreedmanD'Asaro
Y-14 Women's Saber7thMikaela AvakianAGFC
Junior Men's Saber7thDaniel KwakAGFCA17
Vet-70 Men's Saber3rdLucas DobrzanskiKAFFE17


Junior Men’s Epee: Aidan Kung (Swords) scores against Daniel Shifron (Team Touché, San Diego).

Junior Men’s Epee: Isaac Gomez (right, Fortune) sets up his next attack against Ben Wilson (HOF, Ohio).

Junior Women’s Foil: Karina Yaroshenko (LAIFC) lays one on Isabella Ahn (Fencers Club, Metro NYC) in round-two action.

Junior Men’s Epee: Infighting between Adi Thein-Sandler and Kevin Chao (both of LAIFC).

Div I Women’s Epee: Karolina Nixon (LAIFC) takes full advantage of her reach to score against Olympian Kat Holmes (NYAC, Metro NYC).

Div I Women’s Epee: Claire Beddingfield (LAIFC) scores a decisive touch against Ariana Mangano (NYAC, Metro NYC).

Div I Men’s Saber: Michael Costin (AGFC) flunges at Zaheer Booth (PWF, Metro NYC).

Div I Men’s Foil: Nick Itkin (right, LAIFC) on the move against Michael Li (M Team, NorCal).

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JO Quals Path Clarification Wed, 04 Nov 2015 11:46:55 +0000 There was some confusion among fencers on whether or not they had already qualified for the 2016 Junior Olympics. The USFA does not do a great job on their website of explaining this so we will try to clear up some of the questions.

You can be auto-qualified if you earned points in the 2015 Junior Olympics, 2015 Summer Nationals, or in the 2015 October NAC. You will qualify if you earn points in the upcoming November and December NACs as well. Normally points roll off the rolling points list right before that same tournament for the following year is to take place, but with the case of JOs, earning points in the previous JOs(as long as you’re age eligible) will qualify you for the next JOs as well.

Division I points do trickle down to Junior and Cadet points’ lists.

You can also qualify through the RJCC points list where 2 RJCC results count toward your overall total. The top 25% in each Region will qualify for Junior Olympics.

The last way to qualify is to qualify through the Division JO Quals being held in December. You can sign up on AskFred here.

This covers most of the bases in which you can qualify for JOs, but probably doesn’t cover them all. Please ask your coaches or email us with more questions and we will find the answers if we don’t already know them ourselves.

Good luck and congrats to those who have already qualified!

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