SoCal Division – SoCal Division USA Fencing Tue, 22 Jan 2019 22:25:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SoCal Division – SoCal Division 32 32 Southern California Division Meeting Tue, 22 Jan 2019 21:27:06 +0000 The Southern California Division of USA Fencing will be holding its semi-annual membership meeting Saturday, March 2, 2019, 3:00 pm at 132 South Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank, CA 91502.

The purpose of the meeting is (1) to nominate candidates to serve and officers and board members for the 2019-2020 fiscal year; (2) to make such budget adjustments as may be discussed and approved; and (3) to conduct such other business as may be proposed and agreed. There will be a board meeting immediately after the membership meeting, and So. Cal. Division members are welcome to attend that meeting as well (except as to any portion that may be closed for privacy, legal, or similar reasons).

Nominations will be kept open for 30 days after the meeting, and additional nominations may be made during this 30-day period on written petition of not fewer than five (5) voting members of the Division. The Secretary will publish a list of nominees at least one month prior to the July semi-annual meeting, and the election will be held at the July meeting.

The current officers and board would like to take this opportunity to invite anyone who would like to be involved to attend the February meeting and let us know of your interest. Please help us to improve and expand the sport of fencing for our membership.

Note: An earlier version of this post mistakenly indicated Feb. 23 as the date for this meeting.

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Southern California Division Meeting Thu, 14 Jun 2018 06:28:59 +0000 There will be a meeting of the members of the Southern California Division July 14, 2018, 3:00 pm, at 132 S. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank. All USFA So. Cal. Division members are invited to participate. The purpose of the meeting is to elect officers and directors for the Division year 8/1/2018 to 7/31/2018, as follows:

The members of the Division met in February for the semi-annual meeting. At this meeting, the following members were nominated to serve as officers of the Division for the 2018-2019 fiscal year:

  • Chairperson — Tigran Shaginian*; Jamie Douraghy
  • Vice Chairperson — Phil Hareff*; Allex Grumman
  • Treasurer — James Beihold*; Mark Nixon
  • Secretary — Clare Deffense*

(Asterisk * indicates current office holder. In each case, members may vote for only one candidate per position.)

In addition, the following were nominated to serve on the Board of Directors (aka, Executive Committee) for the same period: Tim Robinson (Presidio), Vadim Ayupov (UFA), Sorah Shin (Allez), Nick Kovalev (WCFA), Az Mikayelyan (unattached), Karen Lieu (BHFC), Phil Hareff (Conejo), Tigran Shaginian (Swords), James Beihold (Swords), Clare Deffense (Swords), Jamie Douraghy (LAIFC), Allex Grumman (LAIFC), Mark Nixon (LAIFC), Richard Lee (unattached), and Eric Speicher (Conejo).

These nominations, and any additional, will be subject to the membership vote in July. The time for nominations for officers for the 2018-2019 has expired. However, additional nominations for Directors (also known as Executive Committee members) may be made from the floor, at the July meeting, or by written nomination submitted to the Division Secretary, Clare Deffense, at email address

To be eligible to vote at the July meeting, members must be at least 18 years old, and they must be physically present at the meeting. (Proxies and telephone voting are not allowed.)

We hope to see you at the July meeting, and we hope you will consider volunteering to join the Southern California Division leadership!


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Southern California Division Meeting Wed, 21 Feb 2018 06:53:57 +0000 The Southern California Division of USA Fencing will be holding its semi-annual membership meeting Saturday, February 24, 2018, 3:00 pm at Hoover High School Gym, 651 Glenwood Road, Glendale, CA 91202. This is the same date and location as the Division’s Summer Nationals Qualifiers. Please check the askFRED listing for the SoCal SNQs to get more information, and updates, relating to parking and other matters specific to the location.

The purpose of the meeting is (1) to nominate candidates to serve as officers and board members for the 2018-2019 fiscal year; (2) to make such budget adjustments as may be discussed and approved; and (3) to conduct such other business as may be proposed and agreed. There will be a board meeting immediately after the membership meeting, and SoCal Division members are welcome to attend that meeting as well (except as to any portion that may be closed for privacy, legal, or similar reasons).

Nominations will be kept open for 30 days after the meeting, and additional nominations may be made during this 30-day period on written petition of not fewer than five (5) voting members of the Division. The Secretary will publish a list of nominees at least one month prior to the July semi-annual meeting, and the election will be held at the July meeting.

The current officers and board would like to take this opportunity to invite anyone who would like to be involved to attend the February meeting and let us know of your interest. Please help us to improve and expand the sport of fencing for our membership.

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Treasurer’s Report, 2012-2013 Sun, 14 Jul 2013 17:40:02 +0000 1. Non-Profit Status. By the end of summer 2012, the Division completed its paperwork and filings to secure non-profit status with the IRS and the FTB, using the USFA’s group tax exemption. There are many benefits to the Division from this, including tax and legal compliance, future growth potential, tax-deductible donations, fundraising opportunities, and the ability to qualify for assistance from other non-profits (e.g., some non-profits offer their facilities/venues to other non-profits free or at a discount).

2. Financial Results. The Division’s draft Annual Report (Income/Expense) shows a loss of approximately $8,000. However, most of this loss is the result of the Division’s unamortized investment in nearly $13,000 of equipment, including 4 Artos rollout grounded floor strips ($2,500/set) and 3 Favero scoring machines ($850/set). Amortizing the investment probably would turn the loss to a profit, but this Treasurer is not an accountant and doesn’t know how to do that.

Other unusual income/expense items are (1) over $3,000 in USFA member (dues) rebates, including rebates for dues relating to years 2010 – 2012 (one year’s rebates would be only about $1,200-$1,500); and (2) over $1,600 in Division equipment rental, including the collection of nearly $700 of past due amounts relating to prior years’ rentals.

3. Tournament Results. The Junior Olympic and Summer National qualifying events produced a profit of about $2,500, together. The Division also hosted 8 smaller, self-refereed events, which produced a combined profit of $230. Participation varied in these events, with some drawing over 40 fencers, and others drawing fewer than 10. Losses were kept to a minimum, though, due to the flexibility of the venue provider (Santa Clarita Athletic Club) and the paid organizers (bout table and set up). In particular, SCAC has allowed the Division to quickly change from full-court, full-day rentals to partial courts and days, meaning that the venue rental can be as low as $100, or as high as $500, per day, depending on participation.

4. Budget. Last year’s budget was conservative. Recommend following that budget, except: (a) use original equipment purchase budget, and (b) remove budget for taxes.

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