Coronavirus – SoCal Division USA Fencing Thu, 19 Mar 2020 17:46:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Coronavirus – SoCal Division 32 32 A Message From the President of USA Fencing Thu, 19 Mar 2020 17:46:13 +0000 Dear USA Fencing Members,

During the past 10 days, the world has become a different place. Schools and universities have shuttered. Businesses have closed. Everyday tasks such as going to work or the grocery store have all changed.

Last week, our elite athletes were preparing for Olympic qualifiers and fencers around the nation were in clubs practicing with teammates, taking lessons and preparing for upcoming tournaments.

In the face of a pandemic like most of us have never seen in our lifetimes, we have been forced to postpone or cancel tournaments that we all have come to know as part of our schedule, including the Div I / Parafencing Championships, March and April NACs and the Anaheim SJCC as well as regional and local events around the nation.

These decisions were made to keep the safety and well-being of all members of the fencing community protected, but we know that these were events that thousands of fencers were training for and looking forward to. Because not only were these tournaments competition opportunities, but also places where athletes, coaches, referees and staff connect with members of their fencing family around the nation and even the world.

In light of the current federal governmental guidance to limit interactions to groups of 10 or less, on Tuesday, we notified our Member Clubs that, after consultation with our insurance provider, club events and activities conducted between now and at least April 6 will not be sanctioned by USA Fencing and, therefore, will not be covered by our insurance. This includes practices, lessons and any other club gatherings.

While most clubs had already taken this time to postpone activities, we understand that these clubs are small businesses and we are working to provide best practices to our club owners to prepare for the future.

We encourage each of you to continue to support your clubs as they prepare to resume classes.

Fencing is more than a sport. We are, indeed, a family and we know that we will emerge from this crisis stronger and enthusiastic to return to the fencing strip.

We hope that each of you stay healthy and look forward to seeing you soon.

Best Wishes,

Donald K. Anthony Jr.
USA Fencing President / Chairman

Kris Ekeren 
USA Fencing Executive Director

P.S. For continued updates, please visit

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Coronavirus Update from USA Fencing Sat, 14 Mar 2020 01:21:29 +0000 Over the course of the last seven days, the coronavirus (COVID-19) has prompted unprecedented changes within the world of sport.

In prioritizing the health and wellness of all our members, USA Fencing will not be sanctioning any local, regional, national or international tournaments from March 16-April 6. 

Divisions are directed to postpone all sanctioned competitions across the country through April 6, 2020. 

In order to allow participants from postponed tournaments to still be eligible to compete at the National Championships and July Challenge, the deadlines have been extended as follows: 

  • Division Qualifying Forms Submission Deadline: June 1
  • Petition Deadline: June 3Regular Fee Deadline: June 3
  • Triple Fee Deadline: June 12
  • Withdraw Deadline: June 12
  • Classification Deadline: June 12
  • Check-In Times Posted: June 8

Please provide this information to clubs within your Division.

We continue everyone to practice preventative measures and prioritize the health and well-being of all of members and their families. 

Tips for Fencers, Coaches, Staff, etc. 

  • Stay home from practice or competition if you feel sick.
  • Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer with 60-90% alcohol when restrooms are unavailable. 
  • Avoid direct physical contact with others (keep a six-foot distance when possible). 
  • Salute or elbow bump competitors, coaches and referees rather than shaking hands. 
  • Do not touch your face during a bout or training session. 
  • Do not share water bottles.
  • Do not put your mouth on water fountains. 

Tips for Club Owners and Tournament Organizers

  • Make sure to have hand sanitizer and tissues in high traffic areas throughout the training or competition space, including near bout committee tables, water dispensers, score tables, etc. 
  • Wash all shared gear and use sanitizng wipes on weapons in between uses. Read tips on how to wash masks.
  • Keep sanitizing wipes near reels and other frequently touched equipment. 
  • As always, make sure restrooms and locker rooms are properly cleaned on a frequent basis. 
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces regularly.

The CDC recommends preventative actions regarding respiratory illnesses, including:  

  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
    • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

Everyone is encouraged to seek further information using the CDC and the WHO websites:

Questions or personal concerns regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) should be directed to your local healthcare provider. This remains a dynamic situation and we will update our decisions and recommendations on a regular basis both via email and at


Bob Bodor
USA Fencing Director of Membership

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SoCal Division Coronavirus Update Fri, 13 Mar 2020 02:15:03 +0000 We understand that the United States Fencing Association (USFA) is continuing to monitor the global situation regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The USFA has taken (and will continue to take) a number of actions, temporary rule changes and event postponements and cancellations (and make recommendations) in the interest of the health and well-being of its members. For updates, please follow the Latest News on USFA’s website: .   

Please note that the USFA has postponed the Super Junior and Cadet Circuit (SJCC) in Anaheim, which was scheduled for March 13-15. In addition, the RJCC in Pasadena on March 21-22 has been cancelled. The Southern California Division of USFA (SoCal Division) will continue to monitor the situation, following the lead of its parent organization (the USFA). 

The SoCal Division has determined that it will not sanction any additional fencing tournaments at this time. Moreover, the Division may pull sanctioning from previously-approved tournaments as needed out of respect for the health and safety of its members. We will continue to monitor the situation and work with the USFA and the clubs within our geographic region.  We hope that with guidance from the USFA and an improvement of the situation, we can all go back to as much of normalcy as possible, including the sanctioning of local tournaments.

Southern California Division of USFA

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